Friday, August 30, 2013

30/8/2013 2.15 P.M
Now revised 5350 (EOD Close below) will be the positional Stop Loss for Longs.

30/8/2013 11.00 A.M
Now 5380 (EOD Close below) will be the positional Stop Loss for Longs.

30/8/2013 8.35 A.M

Technically 5th may have started at yesterday's high. Please read the older posts to understand better.

Market May remain little weak today. All dips towards 5300-30 (Spot) must be bought positionally for 2/3 weeks.

Nifty Future

VAH - 5420
POC - 5384
VAL - 5347
POC (week) / Year - 5333 (Much mentioned is a big support)

Weak below 5384 and likely to attempt 5347
Strong above 5384 and likely to attempt 5420.

Nifty Spot

Below 5380 Weak.

Please note that any close or maintaining below 5300 might force revision of the chart and considerations.  The long positions may have to be closed then.

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