Thursday, July 24, 2014

F&O Cues

F&O Cues Updated.

Murrey Math and Options data based position - EOD 24th July, 2014

Update on Nifty Future

Buy triggered above 7793.55 and done upto target2 - 7738.4 already. As such target1 of Sell1 level - 10 i.e. 7762.8 was also a buying opportunity with Sell level target2 - 7744.7 as S/L.

Update on Nifty

Nifty up on Booster Dose. Strong Resistance near 7865 Nifty Spot and 7870 In Nifty Future.

Update on Nifty Spot

NR 4/7/14 (Narrow Range day) happening till now. Whether it remains same today needs to be seen in the last hour. If it remains so tomorrow there will be a range expansion probability.

Update on Nifty

Expiry nearing and next week we have one trading holiday before expiry. Nifty Future Open interest is rising (1.775 Crores now). Difficult to say though market may be basing itself at 7750-7850 for move towards 8000 plus levels next month. If  OI rises more from  it will be difficult for Nifty to carry itself to 8000 levels this month.

Update on Nifty Future

Open at Neutral Zone. Sell got triggered at open near 7789 and achieved the Sell Target1(7772.8) minus 10 =7762.8 (Approx.). Most of the days Trades are likely to be Buy Target1(+10) to Sell Target1(-10) or Buy Level1 to Sell Level1.

Pre-Market Levels For 24th July, 2014 Working

Trade the Levels, Charts Can Adjust.
For Nifty +/- 5/6 Points and for Banknifty +/-10-12 Points, is allowed deviation

7690-7740 is enormous resistance for Nifty Spot and if cleared well, will become big support for the Month and vice versa.
Nifty Future
Weak below 7785-7791 and Strong above it.   Main Support 7743-7754 and 7777-7783 and   Main Resistances 7816-7825 and 7833-7846.   7816 is Day Shocker.  Day SAR is at 7631.  7733 (Sustaining Below) is First S/L for Longs.
Buy Above or Closer to 7793.55 Target1 - 7810.20  Target2 7838.40 Target3 - 7846.00  Target4 - 7866.55 Target5 - 7883.45 Target6 - 7900.35 Target7 - 7927.55 Target8 - 7954.75 S/L 7789.55-(aggr) /7764.35-(Cons)
Buy Closer to or C.O Above 7737.15 - 7744.70  Target1 - 7772.80  Target2 - 7789.55-7793.55 Target3 - 7810.20  Target4 7838.40 Target5 - 7846.00  Target6 - 7866.55 Target7 - 7883.45 Target8 - 7900.35 Target9 - 7927.55 Target10 - 7954.75 S/L 7737.15 or Day's Low  
Sell Below or Closer to 7789.55 Target1 - 7772.80  Target2 - 7744.70  Target3 - 7737.15 Target4 - 7716.55 Target5 - 7699.65 Target6 - 7682.75 Target7 - 7655.55 Target8 - 7628.35 S/L 7793.55-(aggr) /7818.75-(Cons)
Sell Closer to  or C.O Below 7845.95 Target1 - 7793.55-7789.55 Target2 - 7772.80  Target3 - 7744.70  Target4 - 7737.15 Target5 - 7716.55 Target6 - 7699.65 Target7 - 7682.75 Target8 - 7655.55 Target9 - 7628.35 S/L 7845.95 or Day's High  

Banknifty Future
Weak below 15481-15493 and Strong above it.  Main Support 15385-15448 and   Main Resistances 15616-15632 and 15719-15775.  15632 is Day Shocker. Day SAR is at 15065. 15385 (Sustaining Below) is First S/L for Longs.
Buy Above or Closer to 15498.55 Target1 - 15513.30  Target2 15541.45 Target3 - 15569.60  Target4 - 15672.85 Target5 - 15762.00 Target6 - 15851.10 Target7 - 15940.25 Target8 - 16029.35 S/L 15490.60-(aggr) /15405.45-(Cons)
Buy Closer to or C.O Above 15316.35 - 15447.70  Target1 - 15475.90  Target2 - 15490.60-15498.55 Target3 - 15513.30  Target4 15541.45 Target5 - 15569.60  Target6 - 15672.85 Target7 - 15762.00 Target8 - 15851.10 Target9 - 15940.25 Target10 - 16029.35 S/L 15316.35 or Day's Low  
Sell Below or Closer to 15490.60 Target1 - 15475.90  Target2 - 15447.70  Target3 - 15419.60 Target4 - 15316.35 Target5 - 15227.20 Target6 - 15138.10 Target7 - 15048.95 Target8 - 14959.85 S/L 15498.55-(aggr) /15583.75-(Cons)
Sell Closer to  or C.O Below 15672.85 Target1 - 15498.55-15490.60 Target2 - 15475.90  Target3 - 15447.70  Target4 - 15419.60 Target5 - 15316.35 Target6 - 15227.20 Target7 - 15138.10 Target8 - 15048.95 Target9 - 14959.85 S/L 15672.85 or Day's High  


Stocks Blog Updated.